Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thank You!

I have many appreciative emails to send. I whined like a little girl and rec'd a tsunami of emails from you; my friends, family, and supportive readers. Those emails that you sent to me in my time of despondency really lifted my mood. I was stirred. The support you sent was very touching. I thank you now and I will thank you again individually.
Then we arrived in Bali. There was a landslide of packages, letters, and large boxes stuffed with birthday wishes and good stuff from home. At a complete surprise to me, Suzi put you up to it, and you came thru in numbers even she couldn't have guessed. I was reduced to a wet eyed little girl again. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. We've made it to the finish line of "Leg 3", and what a pat of the back you gave me. I am very indebted. I'll be sending the "thank you emails" to each of you as the sunspots and propagation afford (those are some of the limiting factors with Sailmail). What a force you've been behind me. I can't thank you enough. It's been hard, and I've questioned the dream. My resolve was waning, but you've renewed the fight within me. The statements you wrote, and the feelings you shared have re-floated my determination. I can do this. I will do this. The show must go on!
Update: Last Boat To Bali
We left Labuan Bajo and fought against headwinds and currents for 270 miles to an island paradise off the west coast of Lombok called Gili Air. The leeward side of the island has blue warm water, powdery white sand, and plenty of reef fish to stare at. Onshore you'll find raised platforms with comfy throw pillows and giant shade covers. Every structure is a perfect lounge. The food is beyond delicious and I never paid more than $3 for it. We played cards, read books and magazines, and drank dingin (cold) giant Bintangs for $2. The Gili Islands are magic. It was here that I celebrated my birthday. Suzi bought me a scuba dive and we had a wonderful time. Our new British friends bought us dinner and we left the next day, bright and early, for Bali.
We made it to the island of Bali but not the marina. The wx and the currents were too fierce and I was rightfully concerned about steering the doglegged final channel in the dark. We anchored in Amuk and awaited first light. The final 26 miles to Bali wasn't easy. I hugged the shore to avoid the strongest of the currents. A squall dropped out of the sky to insult us one last time and slowed our progress to 1.5 knots. Like an angry drunk, their rage never lasts long, and when the winds and visibility improved, we began our final approach past the beaches where I could see the surfers dropping into the big waves. We threaded the tight channel at slack tide and pulled straight into our slip here at Bali Marina; home for the next 3-4 months.
We've come almost 5,000 miles since we left Fiji on June 1 of this year. We've sailed half way around the world. "Leg 3" is now behind us, and the next chapter of our lives has begun. We're tied up to a dock, we each have cell phones, and yesterday we even rented a car. We've gone from wilderness to extreme convenience, literally over night.
You've thanked me for writing this dispatch in the past, and now I want to thank you for the things you've written to me. The connections we make in life are the bonds that keep us tethered to this spinning globe when we think all sanity is lost. I was on the brink, and you rescued me. We're all in this together.
Your fan,
Capt Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blogs found here!

Turkey Part 2

The Food Aleja says, "Being fat is very delicious but not very good for you."  Bobby responds: "But what if we just scarf thi...