An Old Girlfriend

We were still well within the protected waters of the inshore
reef. I had an inkling that the sea was licking her lips and waiting to kiss me
full on the mouth. She was just there; a slight glance over my right shoulder,
and all the desire to know if we were still compatible welled within me. My
hunch proved true, she was an old lover longing to be embraced again, full of
remembrances of a man ten years my junior, when I first launched myself into
her bosom on a voyage of self-discovery and adventure. God it was good to be
back at the helm of a seagoing vessel, passage making, nation hopping, and
rekindling within myself that epic feeling that I once owned in full, and that
paid dividends daily.
Elsie is nothing short of a freedom machine, but the
tires make her slightly less than global. This was a total immersive dunk back
into a life that at once, was all consuming while being full tilt liberating.
It had been over 3 years since I'd pulled a night watch beneath those diamond
skies. I was immediately intoxicated with just the breath of the wind and being
afloat on the water. Yes, it was agreed, we’d begin the affair anew, but
noticing that I was standing before the binnacle, when sitting would have
sufficed, told me something: my nerves were wound. She and I, well... we'd
quarreled before.
I met Chris the South African and Joe the German in a bar in Belize
and they invited me to join them on a trip across the Caribbean.
Sometimes you get lucky with humans. These guys are great! |
I parked Elsie
at the marina in Placencia and off we went.
Belize to Cuba - 57
We only sailed for about 16 hours. We motored the rest. Skabenga
is a fast boat and the weather cooperated. We were headed into the prevailing
westerlies (Americans - Now would be a good time to check a map) but a cyclone
a thousand miles away neutralized our headwind. For me – it was wonderful to
witness that my “muscle memory” for all things “boat” was still intact. The
feel of rope in my hands as I trimmed a sail just felt right. Flipping on
the nav lights at sunset, and shutting the breakers off at dawn was a familiar
ritual still entrenched in my aquatic memory. That sense of perfection I feel
when the line fits snugly in the self-tailing winch, executing a correct cleat
hitch and the speed with which I can still tie a bowline – nice to be salty
Everyone should at some
time in their life develop an intimate relationship with the sea. Get on it,
get in it, let it beat you within a millimeter of your demise, and then thank her
when you make it back to terra firma.
She’s the best teacher I’ve ever had. Period.
Landfall CUBA!
Cayo Largo. Not the most
straightforward approach and it was midnight. Chris the owner agreed that if
all the navigation lights were in place as we saw them on the digital chart
plotter then we would attempt a landfall in the dark. 3 out of 4 were there.
Unnerving to say the least with 3 men squinting into the black trying to
understand why our eyes didn’t agree with the charts. We reasoned that it was
Cuba, and most probably we were doing everything right and the poor nation had
just not replaced a burned out light bulb.
Chris decided the odds were in our favor and the seas were flat enough
that if we got into a jam, it wouldn’t be catastrophic. We inched our way in
and with shallow water beneath us found a suitable place to anchor. We’d sleep
and make our formal paperwork entry the following day.
Giant tarpon at the dock |
This Italian and his suspect boat. The worst I've ever seen |
The final approach was done in full daylight and
it was still confusing and even shallower. We made it onto the immigration dock
and began the check in “Cuban style”. Fidel must have said: "We've won
the revolution, now let's decide on what level of bureaucracy we want. I'm
thinking let's go for it! Let's bury our people in paperwork. Viva La Revolucion”'!
The underlying theory must be to create jobs because half the island was
involved in checking us in and the other half in checking us out a few days
During our short visit we boozed on rum and beer as the marina
extended us an ever enlarging line of credit. Sweethearts, but then, it’s not
like we could leave without paying. You are watched constantly. Cayo Largo is a
resort town that caters to rich westerners. This wasn’t really Cuba. Not yet.
We sailed right past the historic Bay of Pigs and made our next
landfall in a very well protected bay called Cienfuegos. My first impressions
were probably the same for everyone who docks a boat there: “You can’t possibly
put that water in your tanks. It’s barely transparent.” “Damn it’s hot.” “That
is the most I’ve ever paid for a load of laundry.” “Internet is a little tricky
in this country huh?” “$6 for that 1 block taxi ride? Why didn’t you just tell
me to walk, you dick.” I called the guy a thief, realized things were about to
go sideways real quick, took a deep breath, apologized profusely and then
tipped him on top of his shakedown price.
Sunk wreck at the dock |
Good luck getting an American laptop online, never gonna happen,
nor an American phone. We have been their biggest enemy since 1959 and, well –
nope. Not possible. Joe and I borrowed Chris’ laptop and because he bought it
in Australia – it worked. This is when I started to get an inkling that we were
in a communist country and things were going to be a little different.
This is the error message you will see repeatedly |
We went to a restaurant with tablecloths. The waiters wore vests.
We ordered and waited. And waited. I told the waiter that the bathroom had no
soap. He produced a little bar that he kept in his pocket. The bewildered look
on my face forced him to explain: “people will take it if we leave it in the
bathroom”. That was just one more hint that things were going to be a little
different. After waiting for more than
20 minutes he told us they were out of chicken. That produced uproarious laughter
from all three of us, as we had all ordered a chicken dish. Was he embarrassed
to tell us? Did he think he could go kill a chicken before we noticed, and then
failed? I then knew we weren’t in Kansas anymore.
We arranged for a taxi to drive us the 4 hours to Habana (and yes,
it’s spelled with a “b” instead of a “v”.)
For every good photo I took
I missed 100. So many great scenes and the character in these people’s faces hint
at stories burning to tell. We loved Habana and within 12 hours we looked into
buying a flat. Impossible, and probably for the best

Bullet holes in the presidential palace |
A Short Take On The Cuban Revolution
I might not agree with
Fidel’s political & economic strategy but I am utterly impressed with his
determination and conviction in a belief. It’s an epic story and I won’t do it
justice here. Further inquiry is warranted.
In 1953 he attacked a
police barracks and served a year in prison and then was exiled to Mexico. That’s
where he met Che Guevara. At the end of 1956 those 2, Camilo Cienfuegos, Fidel’s
little brother Raul, and 77 other armed guerrillas motored a crapped out boat
from Mexico to Cuba to try again to capture an island. After landing in Cuba
and immediately finding themselves under repeated attack, only 19 survived to
regroup at the designated location. It was a long struggle but you know the end
result: Against all odds, Fulgencio Batista – El Presidente, looted hundreds of
millions and fled to the Dominican Republic. They did it. They won. Viva La
Revolucion! On the first day of 1959 they had it all.
A Few Thoughts On Communism
Here are 3 areas in which
communism completely wins:
Almost zero
drugs. It’s not a free society. The government gets what it wants and enforces
its will on its people. That’s a horrible taste in the mouth of a freedom
loving westerner but it gets results. It’s also an island and as a guy who
sailed there – trust me, security is tight.
Almost zero violence.
No weapons on the street. Everyone is tranquilo. They aren’t pushy like the
Asians. They respect the single file line up, and will move aside to let you
pass. The consequences of misbehaving are infamous. It’s safe. Very safe.
A racist vacuum.
Communism is based on the equality of all people, it in theory neutralizes bigotry,
and in practice, it seems to have done its job. Believe me – I love to find a
scab and pick it. I looked hard for evidence to the contrary; they really do
seem to be free from racism, if that’s possible amongst humans. I even baited people
but I couldn’t get anyone to fall for it. “Communism: We lost to everything but
Mexico has way better 15th century Spanish towns with far more
vibrant architecture. You can skip this place.
Taking A Beating
It was a rough sea with 22 knot headwinds when we left Trinidad.
We got the stuffing knocked out of us and almost lost the dingy off the davits
when the shackle straightened and parted under the extreme forces. We found a pass in the
reef on that southern coast and hid behind a perfectly shaped crescent mangrove
islet to rest and repair. Once recovered, we struck out again for a 2 night
trip to Santiago, Cuba.
Chris and I |
Its Cuba’s second capital
and almost as photo worthy as its counterpart. We were drinking rum in a bar
(this is what you do when you are with Chris and Joe) and I was practicing my
Spanish on a pretty girl who explained the Cuban conundrum to me in very concise
terms: “I want what everyone my age (27) wants, to see the world, to travel,
but change will never come fast enough.” She’s losing her youth trapped on an
island that she can barely afford to live on, but can never afford to leave. “Soon I am in my 30’s and then, well… it’s not
the same”. No – it’s not the same. It’s harder when you’re older and for a
Latin woman it’s unlikely since they are expected to start popping out the
ninos immediatamente. So much for a gap year of exploration and maximizing your
youth. Poverty is a sad state and communism makes it a state policy.
No One Can Ignore You More Perfectly Than A Cuban Waiter.
You need a flare gun and a
red flag to get their attention. We were literally waving at our lazy plate
bearer when a young girl hanging on a payphone saw us and thought we were beckoning
to her. She hustled right over and before we could explain she said “I still
have 2 years left”. The waiter saw us speaking to her and then he fast walked
it to our table and immediately said, “She has 2 years of childhood still.” We
were completely confused. “We were trying to get your attention not hers, but
since you are here and she just walked away, what does it mean “2 years left”?
Then it all came out. All women are expected to prostitute themselves at the
age of 18 to help the family. Total silence with a sickness that lies like lead
in your belly. There it is – they’re
all prostitutes. This kid knew she was entitled to another couple years of
childhood before she had to put it on the street for the family. Just like her
older sisters and mom. It was a hollow ending to our last night in Cuba. I’ll
write it again; Poverty is a sad state and communism makes it a state policy.
The next day we cleared all
the paperwork, and like Fulgencio Batista we left with the wind knocked out of
us as we sailed away for the long passage to the Dominican Republic.
We grilled burgers on the
BBQ as we sailed past Guantanamo Bay. It felt very American. We read about Che Guevara while the drones flew by. The narrow seaway corridor
that my fellow Americans allowed us to transit made for exaggerated scrutiny.
Next Dispatch: Dominican Republic & Puerto Rico!
Your man on point,